Character Creation Challenge 27: Break!!

This new (not yet released) game is inspired by Studio Ghibli animes and video games like Zelda and Final Fantasy. 

I start by choosing my Calling, which determines Aptitudes, Combat values, Calling abilities, Character advancement, and Combat gear allowance. I choose to play a Heretic, a summoner of The Sealed Names, spirits both bright and dark. Next step is Species which determines Species Abilities, Size, and Quirks. I choose to be a Tenebrate, a kind of humanoid warped by a sunless existence. The character’s homeland and history determine bonus language, purviews (background skills), and starting gear. I choose to have been a Blight Raider in the Wistful Dark. Next step is Traits that modify my aptitudes, I choose to raise Grit and Aura by one each, and lower Might and Deft. Quirks are unique mental or physical features that give the character an advantage and a disadvantage. I choose the physiological quirk Dark demeanor, playing to type concerning my calling and species. 

Name: Aeren Shadowheart

Calling: Heretic

Species: Tenebrate

Homeland & History: Wistful Dark, Blight Raider

Allegiance: Dark 1, Dark gifts: Horns

Aptitudes: Might 6, Deft 6, Grit 11, Insight 7, Aura 10

Combat values: Hearts 2, Attack +0, Defense 10, Speed Avarage

Calling abilities: Fitful sleep (Nightmares, can ask GM for clues), Dreadful (Edge on rolls to intimidate, Aura check to learn what target fears), Squire Marlow (Servant-spirit, Grit check to summon for one task)

Purviews: Swift and ruthless action, Getting out of tricky situations, Taking what isn’t yours

Combat gear allowance: Armor light, Melee weapons standard and lash, Missile weapons thrown

Species abilities: Night born (1 Dark allegiance), Shadow sight 

Size: Medium

Languages: Dark tongue

Quirks: Dark demeanor (Advantage: At first glance wicked creatures believe me to be a potential ally, Disadvantage: Distrusted by those favoring law and order)

Inventory (10 slots): Light armor (bandit leathers), Rebreather (raiders maw), sorcerer’s robes, Bandit Razor sword, 18 coins

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